Online dressage event – ride for Anne-Mette Strandby and Jeanna Högberg

Ride and win from home
In Helgstrand & Zibrasport Equest Online Tour part 2 you can compete in the two horse classes Helgstrand Medium Tour1* (corresponding to M level) and Helgstrand Small Tour1* (corresponding to L level) or the pony class Helgstrand Medium Tour2* ( corresponding to L level). There is room for 20 participants in each class, and there are ribbons for the placed riders (max. 6 per class) as well as Kingsland products for the winners.
Registration and participation
The registration deadline is May 31st, but registration will close before if 20 riders have registered for a class. The recording of the ride must be submitted no later than June 7th, and we will publish the results on June 14th.
Sharp dressage minds will judge your ride
It is the Helgstrand riders Anne-Mette Strandby Hansen and Jeanna Högberg who will judge your ride and give you constructive comments along the way, which you can use to move forward in your training with your horse or pony. You will receive your score sheet and result by June 14th.
Great Kingsland prizes at stake
The winner of Helgstrand Medium Tour1* Horse will receive a navy halter in full size from Kingsland, while the winner of Helgstrand Small Tour1* Horse will receive a stable curtain from Kingsland. For the winner of the pony class Helgstrand Medium Tour2* Pony, there is a saddle pad and a cap from Kingsland. In addition, there are ZyberRide ribbons for the placed riders (max. 6 per class).

How to participate?
You participate by creating a profile on and thereafter add yourself and your horses/ponies to the profile. Now you are ready to register for the class you want to participate in. There is room for 20 participants in each class, and the participation fee is DKK 75. But if you are a Premium Member at Zibrasport Equest, you can you participate for just DKK 60.
Remember to read the schedule and the recording instructionsKin, so you are sure of participation conditions. It is a pity if you should make mistakes that could have been avoided. It is also important that you have control over the actual program that you are going to ride. All information is available at

Improve your skills
ZyberRide is created by Helgstrand Dressage and Zibrasport Equest, and the purpose of the online dressage platform is to give you the opportunity to supplement your training and physical competition activity with new online options. By participating in online events, you get qualified and constructive feedback of you and your horse/pony’s performance, without having to go to a show venue.
ZyberRide offers dressage programs at different levels, where you will be judged and get good advice and feedback from some of the dressage sport’s great profiles. ZyberRide is not meant to replace physical event participation but should be seen as a supplement to your training,development, and event participation.
We hope that ZyberRide can contribute to your development and training, and we look forward to seeing your rides.
Anne-Mette Strandby Hansen is a master rider at Helgstrand Dressage. Her daily life largely consists of educating the young horses, but Anne-Mette has also had great success with older horses. The summer of 2020 was especially successful, as she and Foco Loco took the team bronze medal from the U25 European Championships. And as if that were not enough, the equipage finished the European Championships with an excellent performance in freestyle, which resulted in a gold medal and a European Champion title.
Jeanna Högberg is a rider at Helgstrand Dressage. She is extremely experienced and has won almost everything she has participated in. Already as a pony rider she won two gold medals at the Swedish Championships and team bronze at the European Championships. Since then she has had several victories, including three more gold medals at the Swedish Championships, several finals and participation at the prestigious Young Horse World Championships. In Sweden, she is recognized for her diligence, and she has even been nominated for Comet of the Year by the magazine Tidningen Ridsport.