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Tag: Poppy Blandford

How to use mental training with Poppy Blandford

Have you ever wondered how mental training can be used in riding? Poppy Blandford knows everything about this and she is going to share her knowledge with you when she is giving two interesting clinics at the ECCO FEI World Championships in Herning, August 13 and 14. You can watch both clinics LIVE on Zibrasport Equest!

The Irish Mental Performance Coach works internationally with federations, development squads, teams, coaches and international riders. From her work, she has built a strong reputation for her specialist ability to influence the performance of equestrian athletes both in competition and training. Poppy is known for her in-depth knowledge of the equestrian industry working to help individuals perform consistently, build confidence and thrive under pressure.

As a rider herself, Poppy understands the unique demands of the equestrian sports and works with clients at all levels from pony club right up to Olympic level. She currently tutors for the Young Riders Academy, The Wesko Equestrian Foundation as well as providing workshops for the likes of Horse Sport Ireland, British Showjumping and Estonian Equestrian Federation. Her list of clients includes Olympic and World Equestrian Games athletes, Global Champions Tour Team riders and many of the top stables in Europe and the United States.

Poppy Blandford. Photo: Eva van Den Adel

Why is mental training important?

Poppy Blandford will give you the answer to that question at her first clinic on Saturday August 13 on the Zibrasport Equest stage. Through tips and tricks, Poppy will tell about the importance of mental training within the equestrian sport and how to implement element it in your everyday training and show situations. 

Get to know how the best riders use mental training

On Sunday August 14, Poppy is back on the Zibrasport Equest stage when she gives an interesting and exclusive insight into how some of the world’s best riders mentally prepare for big events such as the World Championships as well as the techniques they use on the day of the competition from the course work, to the warm up arena and on to the main arena.

Poppy Blandford. Photo: Fabio Patroni 

Watch LIVE on Zibrasport Equest

If you are not in Herning to watch the World Championships, you can stream both Poppy Blandford clinics LIVE at Zibrasport Equest. You can also watch all ‘non-championship’ CSI and CDI classes as well as other exciting side events that are going on during the championships.

You can buy pay per view access for 40€ (August 5 -14, only LIVE)
For Premium Members only 20€ (August 5-14, LIVE and Video On Demand)

Find the entire program and more info here

Bliv klogere på mentaltræning i ridesporten

Hvordan fungerer det dér mentaltræning egentlig? Det ved Poppy Blandford alt om, og hun vil dele sin viden med dig, når hun lørdag den 13. og søndag den 14. august afholder to clinics ved ECCO FEI World Championships i Herning. Begge clinics kan også følges LIVE på Zibrasport Equest!

Den irske mentaltræner arbejder internationalt som Mental Performance Coach og er specialiseret i netop ridesporten. Gennem tæt arbejde med forbund, udviklingsteams, hold, trænere og internationale ryttere, har hun opbygget et stærkt ry for hendes evne til at forbedre rytteres præstation ved både stævner og i træning gennem mentaltræning. Poppy er kendt for sit indgående kendskab til ridesporten, hvor hun arbejder med at præstere på et stabilt niveau, opbygge selvtillid og at skabe succes under pres.

Grundet Poppys egen baggrund som rytter, forstår hun indgående ridesportens særlige krav, hvilket har gjort det muligt for hende at arbejde med alt fra ponyryttere til OL-deltagere.

Poppy Blandford. Foto: Eva van Den Adel

Hvorfor er mentaltræning vigtigt?

Netop det spørgsmål vil Poppy gøre dig meget klogere på, når hun lørdag den 13. august kl. 15 indtager Zibrasport Equest scenen ved VM. Gennem tips og tricks vil Poppy fortælle om vigtigheden af mentaltræning i ridesporten, og hvordan du kan implementere det i både din daglige træning og ved stævner for at opnå bedre resultater.

Få indblik i verdens bedste rytteres mentaltræning

Søndag den 14. august kl. 12.15 er Poppy tilbage på Zibrasport Equest scenen, når hun giver dig et spændende og eksklusivt indblik i, hvordan nogle af verdens bedste ryttere forbereder sig til store stævner som et verdensmesterskab. Her får du de specifikke teknikker, som de anvender i løbet af konkurrencedage – lige fra under opvarmningen til når selve konkurrencen går i gang.

Poppy Blandford. Foto: Fabio Patroni 

Se med på Zibrasport Equest

Er du ikke i Herning, så kan du se med LIVE fra begge Poppy Blandfords clinics på Zibrasport Equest. Vi streamer desuden alle ‘Non championship’ CSI og CDI klasser – samt mange af de øvrige spændende side events.

Du kan købe pay pr view adgang til 300 kr. (gælder fra 5-14. august og kun LIVE)
Er du Premium Medlem, får du adgang til det hele for 150 kr (+ adgang til video on demand/videoarkiv)

Se hele vores program og få mere info her