Get ready for the exciting side events at Herning2022

If you just cannot get enough of Herning2022, you may want to spend some time in between all the competitions watching the exciting side events that are going on every day! In this article, we will provide you with a brief overview of what to expect from the side events that will be live streamed at Zibrasport Equest.
NB: Be aware that the program is still subject to change
Riders Corner
Do you want to be updated on all competitions and winners as the World Championships evolve? Then you should tune in to Zibrasport Equest’s daily live show where we will take you through the latest news and highlights from the day as well as interesting interviews with riders and other relevant people at Herning2022. You can watch the first Riders Corner’s on Thursday August 4 and Friday August 5 where we will be live once per day. All other days, you will be able to follow along Riders Corner twice a day.
Side events with Sissel Sandø Ulbæk
Sissel Sandø Ulbæk owns and runs the company Young Horse Performance specialised in developing young horses both physically and mentally. During Herning2022, she will host two clinics at the Agria Pony Arena:
Saturday August 6, she will host the clinic Signals and communication with your horse in which she will go into depth with how to establish better connection with the horse to avoid miscommunication and misinterpretations.
Sunday August 7, her focus will be on Environmental training and its importance on how to prepare your horse for unexpected situations and unfamiliar situations.
Language: English
Side event with Rikke Buhl, Professor at University of Copenhagen & Lise Berg, Associate Professor at University of Copenhagen
Rikke Buhl, DVM, PhD, Professor at University of Copenhagen. Rikke Buhl graduated as veterinarian (DVM) in 1999 from University of Copenhagen, Denmark where she also obtained a PhD degree in 2004 and she is now employed there as a professor. Her work is centred on equine cardiology. She focuses on cardiovascular adaptations to exercise, often termed “Athlete´s Heart” and cardiac arrhythmias in horses.
Lise C. Berg, DVM, PhD. Associate Professor at University of Copenhagen. Lise C. Berg graduated as a veterinarian (DVM) in 2002 from University of Copenhagen, where she obtained her PhD degree in 2008. Dr. Berg is also certified in Veterinary Chiropractic and Animal Rehabilitation. Her work is centred around orthopaedics and performance from the cellular level up to the whole horse.
At this side event, Rikke and Lise will take us through stem cell therapy and the equine athlete’s heart.
Stem cell therapy – what is it, and what can it do? Lameness is the main reason for time off work or early retirement in sport horses. Our current treatment options are limited, and they mainly address the symptoms and not the cause of the injury. In recent years, a number of biological regenerative therapies have become more widely available in equine practice, and stem cell therapy is a very exciting new treatment option. But what is fiction and what is fact? This presentation will guide you through the newest data on stem cell therapy in horses, partly based on research from their stem cell research group at the Vet School at University of Copenhagen.
The equine athlete’s heart – does cardiac arrhythmias influence performance of the horse? Cardiac arrhythmias are relatively common in athletic horses. Some arrhythmias are present continually whereas others are only intermittently present making it difficult to diagnose. Horses suffering from intermittent cardiac arrhythmias will typically have days with normal and satisfactory performance, followed by days with poor performance of now obvious reasons. This presentation will lead you through the function of the heart, why cardiac arrhythmias in horses may result in reduced performance of the athletic horse and how we can diagnose and treat cardiac arrhythmias in horses.
Language: English
Tina Dufour – Grooming clinics presented by Blue Hors Care
Tina Dufour is well-known for her stunning Instagram profile, showing picture-perfect horses, plaiting techniques and other grooming hacks. During Herning2022 she will be hosting three grooming clinics in cooperation with Blue Horse Care at Agria Pony Arena.
Wednesday August 10: Tina Dufour grooming clinic on preparing dressage horses presented by Blue Hors Care. Tina will demonstrate and explain the techniques on how to groom a dressage horse before entering a show.
Friday August 12: Tina Dufour grooming clinic on preparing showjumping horses presented by Blue Hors Care. Tina will demonstrate and explain the techniques on how to groom a showjumper before entering a show.
Saturday August 13: Tina Dufour grooming clinic for children presented by Blue Hors Care. In this clinic, Tina willfocus on safety in the stable and the importance of grooming your horse before riding.
Side events with Tristan Tucker
Training horses from the early beginning to Grand prix level, teaching students competing at international level and giving demonstrations and clinics all over the world about his own developed TRT Method – Tristan Tucker is a well-known name within the equestrian world, and he is also to be found at Herning2022 where he will contribute to the event with two interesting side events.
Friday August 12: Experience a Q&A session with Tristan Tucker that gives the audience of Herning2022 a unique opportunity to ask questions directly to Tristan. The opportunity will be given on social media where specific questions will be pointed out and answered on the Zibrasport Equest Stage in a dialogue between Louise Hededam and Tristan Tucker.
Saturday August 13: What do horses really need from us as humans? You will get the answer to this question at this side event when Tristan takes in an unknown horse and demonstrates the effects of TRT Method, giving one follower on social media the opportunity to bring their horse for this clinic – the contest will be announced on Herning2022’s social media.
Furthermore, Tristan Tucker will bring a special surprise during Show Night presented by Mustang Trailers.
Language: English
Side event with Alizée Froment
The Frenchman Alizée Froment has been involved in the equestrian world her whole life as a successful dressage rider competing on international Grand Prix level and as a trainer for the National French pony dressage team. Since 2009, she has shared her philosophy in shows where she demonstrates that even the most technical dressage exercises can be ridden with only a neck rope. Friday August 12, you may experience her side event A path towards liberty work with Alizée Froment. In this clinic, the audience of Herning2022 will get an exclusive inside of the world of liberty work.
Languages: English
Side event with mental trainer Poppy Blandford
Poppy Blandford works internationally as a Mental Performance Coach specialising in equestrian sport. Working closely with federations, development squads, teams, coaches and international riders, Poppy has built a strong reputation for her specialist ability to influence the performance of Equestrian athletes both in competition and training. Poppy is known for her in-depth knowledge of the Equestrian industry, working to help individuals perform consistently, build confidence and thrive under pressure.
As being a rider herself, Poppy understands the unique demands of equestrian sport and works with clients at all levels from Pony Club right up to Olympic level.
During Herning2022, you get the opportunity to watch two clinics with the mental trainer.
Saturday August 13: Why is mental training important? Tips and tricks with Poppy Blandford. Hear about the importance of mental training within the equestrian sport and learn how to implement elements of it in your everyday training and show situations.
Sunday August 14: High performance level with Poppy Blandford. Get an insight of how some of the world’s very best riders mentally prepare for big events such as the World Championships. You will also hear about the techniques they use on the day of the competition from the course work, to the warm up arena and on to the main arena.
Languages: English
NB: Be aware that the program is still subject to change