Status: World Championships for Icelandic Horses 2021

The future is currently a bit unpredictable and we would like to share a status of our work on The World Championships 2021 in Herning, seen though the “Corona-glasses”.
The preparations for the World Championships 2021 (VM2021) in Herning, Denmark are in full swing – even though it is, of course, difficult to assess the Covid-19 situation in the summer of 2021. But one thing is for sure:
FEIF and the World Championship Organizing Comittee are completely commited to complete the World Championships in Herning August 2021
Planning is underway including design of the venue, volunteers, spectators, traders, suppliers, events, etc. But we are of course working with different solutions to carry out the event to comply with any restrictions and recommendations which may be imposed by the Danish authorities. We take this very seriously and it is important for us that from arrival to departure, a visit to the VM2021 remains safe and responsible.
You can secure your ticket which is on sale now and as long as stock lasts on:
Stay updated at and social media:
Facebook: VMDenmark – World Championships for Icelandic Horses
Instagram: @vmdenmark